Monday 16 December 2013

♥ Pregnancy - 2nd Appointment 14/12/2012

Alhamdulillah, scan baby sihat.. da nampak jantungnya berdegup kuat. Mengalir air mata bila tgk degupan jantungnya. Memandangkan tarikh melahirkan tak dapat nak detect, jadi due date di anggarkan berdasarkan berapa besar baby. 

Setelah di imbas, due yang kami dapat 1 Ogos 2014. Alhamdulillah.. Moga dipermudahkan.

Doktor ada beri beberapa pesanan yang agak berat. Antaranya :

  1. Jangan makan benda2 yang tajam.
  2. Elakkan bumper ketika memandu.
  3. Kalau boleh jangan 'bersama' buat masa ni.
  4. Banyakkan makan sayur.
  5. Elakkan makan suppliment yg banyak. Acid folid sudah mencukupi.
  6. Kalau anak buah datang, jangan dukung.
  7. Jangan angkat barang2 berat, cth baldi.. minta tlg suami angkatkan.
Pesanan oleh mak : Banyakkan rehat, janganla mkn benda2 yang terlalu masam sgt, doa & fikir positif, jgn stress2, elakkan bawa kereta, jangan naik motor.
Pesanan oleh ibu mertua : Perbanyakkan istighfar & zikir.
Pesanan dari Emi dari Kimia : Jangan lasak2, kalau boleh elakkan guna tandas cangkung, jangan angkat barang yang lebih dari 4 kg.

♥ Tip Hilang Stress - Dr Fadillah Kamsah

As salamu'alaikum shbt terhormat. Di antara tips utk tangani stress : 
1. Jaga Solat, zikir dan selawat
2. Baca al Quran / kitab agama
3. Hidupkan sunnah2 harian
4. Maafkan semua kesilapan orang lain
5. Bersedekah dgn ikhlas kpd mrk yg memerlukan
6. Ingatkan mati & lakukan yg terbaik utk menghadapi kematian
7. Tidur yang cukup 
8. Bangun tidur secara konsisten
9. Bertenang sebelum tidur & elak fikirkan perkara yg rumit & merisaukan. Baca doa & zikir sambil berbaring hingga lelap.
10. Tidur mengiring ke kanan utk lebih nyenyak & bangun tidur dlm keadaan yg segar & bertenaga
11. Bangun tidur dgn SENYUMAN & BERDOA
12. Qoilullah, ie tidur sekitar 10 minit sebelum solat zuhur
13. Peluk bayi utk pamer syg, dpt ketenangan & hilang stress
14. Kegiatan riadah atau bersukan utk sihat & kurangkan stress
15. Mengawal diet-- byk mkn buah2an, sayuran, ayam & ikan & kurangkan mkn daging lembu/ kambing
16. Membelai selalu org yg tersayang
17.Jadi orang baru-- cuci hati, positifkan minda, perbaiki setiap amalan & lakukan rutin postif yg baru
18. Latih diri utk sentiasa Senyum. Endorphins yg di rembeskan oleh badan akan buat kita tenang & ceria.
19. Urut org lain atau minta di urut utk reduce stress
20. Mandi air suam akan kurangkan stress
21.Ceritakan masalah kepada orang lain atau kaunselor 
22. Tengok ikan dalam akuarium
23. Menangis akan kurangkan stress
24. Tukar skrip atau bisikan kendiri agar sentiasa positif
25. Lebih tegas (asertif) agar tak terbeban dgn tugas
26. Tukar imej diri dan tingkatkan harga diri agar lebih syg kpd diri
27. Penafasan yang sempurna- oksigen yg cukup akan tenangkan fikiran
28. Bercerita dan mendengar cerita
29. Bercuti/ berehat/ bersantai
30.Menjerit di tempat yang 'private‘
31. Minta izin utk laungkan azan di Masjid/ Surau
32. Melihat pemandangan atau sesuatu yang menarik dan tenang
33.Mendengar muzik, deruan ombak, bunyi burung dan sebagainya
34.Bersikap positif terhadap orang lain dan sayangi semua orang
35. Nilai semula pegangan dan keutamaan
36.Sentiasa redha dan bersyukur
37.Minta bantuan pakar/ ulama
38.Menonton/ membaca kartun
39.Dengar ceramah motivasi
40.Dengar ceramah agama
41.Lihat bunga atau pokok hijau
42. Berkebun/ bertanam sayur
43. Bermain dengan haiwan kesayangan
44. Cari kumpulan sokongan yang positif
45. Aroma terapi --urut, mandian, rawatan kulit, vaporiser
(Bahan-bahan = lavender, camomile, rosemary, limau, eucalyptus)
46. Terapi warna (Gunakan kombinasi warna untuk merangsang emosi dan fizikal)
47. Sentiasa bertawakkal kpd Allah. 
Moga Allah kurangkan stress kita & lindungi kita semua. Aameen, wassalam.

Thursday 12 December 2013

♥ Pregnancy - 6 Weeks Symptoms

Breast Pain : 71% of women experience breast pain and tenderness as a symptom during week 6 of pregnancy.

Fatigue : 63% of women experience fatigue as a symptom during week 6 of pregnancy.

Nausea : 44% of women experience nausea as a symptom during week 6 of pregnancy.
This week may be the first time you notice any internal symptoms of your pregnancy, although you will not yet "look pregnant." However, the absence of pregnancy symptoms is normal, so do not be concerned.

Pregnancy 6 weeks pregnant embryo development


* The Embryo now has 14 somites which will develop into skeletal muscles, and vertebrae.

* The eyes start their first signs of developing.

* The Arm/Leg Buds are starting to sprout.

* The Umbilical Cord is starting to supply some nutrients from the developing placenta.

* The Yolk Sac still provides most of the nourishment to the embryo.

* Pharyngeal Arches will develop into the head, jaw and neck.
Week 6 baby embryo size raisin
Embryo Size : Your baby is about the size of a raisin during week 6.

LENGTH: 0.15 in / 0.38 cm
WEIGHT: 0.01 oz / 0.28 g
One symptom of pregnancy you may experience at this stage is morning sickness. Morning sickness is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms. Although it is named "morning sickness," nausea and vomiting can occur at any time of the day, as well as more than once. This may be adversely affecting your appetite, since you may no longer be able to stomach certain foods. If this is the case, it is important that the food that you do eat is nutritious like leafy greens, legumes, and fish. You may also want to spend some time in the sun since vitamin D is vital to your baby’s healthy growth. Vitamin D supplements are also available. To help the nausea you may want to try some of these tricks: eating a plain cookie or cracker, bland foods, eating little and often, and foods and drinks containing ginger. If you do have morning sickness you will be losing lots of fluids so you have to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. See your doctor if the nausea and vomiting is too much to bear.

Your nutrition and health during your pregnancy is extremely important, however at this stage in your baby’s development, it is receiving all of its nutrients from its yolk sac. The yolk sac acts like the liver, and will produce your embryo’s first red blood cells (the liver takes over this function after week 9). In the next week or so, the primitive beginnings to a circulatory system will develop, as well as one of your baby’s major organs, its heart.

This sixth week of your pregnancy marks the rapid growth of your baby. Three types of cells are forming: cells that will form the skin and nervous system, cells that will form the blood vessels, muscles, and bones, and cells that will form the entire digestive system. Now, the cells in charge of the spine and the nervous system are hard at work. It is important that you are taking folic acid at this stage to ensure that the neural tube closes completely. With all this occurring, your body is working hard, and you may be feeling exhausted. Fatigue is a common pregnancy symptom, but be aware and track your fatigue. Fatigue can also be a symptom of anemia. To avoid anemia, however, you can eat iron rich roods like, again, leafy greens, red meat, whole-grain cereals, and legumes. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron, so take supplements, or drink orange juice. You should limit, or even avoid, caffeine in your diet because caffeine hinders the absorption of iron into your body.

Another symptom of your pregnancy at this stage may be an increase in your breast size. This is the first part of your body that will change its shape. They will become quite bigger, rapidly, and may be tender to the touch. Your breast changes are due to the increase in the hormone estrogen in your body. Wearing a bra that provides lots of support may help with the tenderness in your breasts, and you may want to wear your bra to sleep. Creams containing aloe vera may also be soothing for the tenderness you are experiencing.

At this time in your pregnancy, you’ll want to be careful while you are cleaning you home. You should not use toxic products, keep rooms ventilated, and wear gloves. There are many alternative-cleaning products derived from plant products that are safe to use for you and baby. You’ll want to be careful, since this is a time when concerns about miscarriages are common. There is nothing that you can do to prevent a miscarriage, in fact 60% of miscarriages are caused by a one-time genetic issue. But bleeding does not always mean that a miscarriage is occurring, as stated before. Consult with your doctor if you have any concerns.

** Info :